I was frustrated with traditional journaling...so I created a new way to journal.
I love to write for many reasons. I write to remember things. I write when I'm stressed or upset to process and clear my head. I write about new things I learn. I write when I study the gospel to strengthen my testimony.
But the problem with writing all these things in the various journals and notebooks I own, is I have notes about the same things spread out over multiple journals, and it takes a long time to find something I've written about in the past.
For years I've wanted a way to organize my journaling, specifically my spiritual journal. I have spiritual experiences written down in many places, but I wish they were easier to find. I like to read about times that I've felt God's love or learned a gospel truth in a personal way when I'm going through a difficult time. It reminds me of what I already know to be true and I find strength in that.
I have also done studies on gospel topics to learn, but then later I want to add new insights or quotes to that study, but it's buried in a journal somewhere without additional space to add new information.
This is why I created the Believe Journal.
Welcome to a new way to journal. A way to journal that is organized, functional, customizable, and beneficial now and in the future.
The Believe Journal is your personal gospel library. With sections and dividers for over 50 gospel topics, you can organize your gospel learning so that you can add as much as you want to, at any time, and you can easily find what you're looking for.
This journal is a place you can write your testimony - what you believe and what you know to be true. And then, you can easily grow and expand your gospel knowledge and see your testimony evolve over time.
As you customize and add to your Believe Journal, it will become a priceless treasure.
And different than any other journal on the market, the Believe Journal can grow and expand with you over time and you can use it for the rest of your life...not just until you run out of pages. You can add pages where you need them, print talks and other resources you love and add them to your journal. You can even add an additional binder when your first one fills up.
There are so many ways to use the Believe Journal - individually or as a family, as a companion to your Come Follow Me study, as you study General Conference talks, as you read the scriptures, in seminary or institute, and in any other kind of gospel study.
The Believe Journal is a perfect for parents or grandparents (think about how much you'd love to have a record of their testimony on various aspects of the Gospel of Jesus Christ). It also makes a great gift for teens and pre-teens who are early in their individual gospel learning. It's perfect for missionaries or those preparing to serve as they strengthen and expand their gospel knowledge and prepare to teach others.
Journaling doesn't have to be like it's always been. Try it a new way.